Vol 43, No 1 (2016)

Table of Contents

Review Articles

Food security and livestock: The case of Latin America and the Caribbean
Diego Ignacio Rodríguez Ignacio Rodríguez, Gustavo Anríquez, José Luis Riveros

Research Paper

Effects of the foliar application of methanol on the yield and growth of rice (Oryza sativa cv. Shiroudi)
Abouzar Abbasian, Bahram Mirshekari, Mohammad N. Safarzade Vishekaei, Varahram Rashidi, Hashem Aminpanah
The effect of foliar applications of a bio-stimulant derived from algae extract on the physiological behavior of lulo seedlings (Solanum quitoense cv. Septentrionale)
Jhon J. Díaz-Leguizamón, Oscar F. Chingaté-Cruz, Alefsi D. Sánchez-Reinoso, Hermann Restrepo-Díaz
Pre- and postharvest attributes of muskmelon cultivars for fresh-cut cubes
Christian Krarup, Cristián Jacob, Samuel Contreras
Responses of young Punica granatum plants under four different water regimes
Felipe Bugueño, Nieggiorba Livellara, Fernando Varas, Pedro Undurraga, Mónica Castro, Eduardo Salgado
Insect diversity, community composition and damage index on wild and cultivated murtilla
Manuel A. Chacón-Fuentes, Marcelo G. Lizama, Leonardo J. Parra, Ivette E. Seguel, Andrés E. Quiroz
Establishing Acacia salicina under dry Mediterranean conditions: The effects of nursery fertilization and tree shelters on a mid-term experiment with saline irrigation
Juan A. Oliet, Rosa Planelles, Francisco Artero, Juan M. Domingo- Santos
Tolerance of native Magellan fungi in peat to anthracene and n-dodecane for potential use in bioremediation
Leonardo A. Rodríguez-Córdova, César A. Sáez-Navarrete, Vartan Ishanoglu, Leandro Herrera, Rosanna Ginocchio
Stem and soil CO2 efflux responses of Pinus radiata plantations to temperature, season, age, time (day/night) and fertilization
Horacio E. Bown, Michael S. Watt
Growth analysis of potted gerbera conducted with mineral fertilization and organic fertigation
Francielly T. dos Santos, Fernanda Ludwig, Luiz A. de M. Costa, Mônica S. S. de M. Costa, Marcelo B. Remor, Plínio E. R. Silva
Attitudinal determinants of willingness-to-pay for river ecosystem improvements in central Chile: A choice experiment
Carlos A. Huenchuleo, Jan Barkmann, Rainer Marggraf
Kinetic parameters of ruminal degradation of Marandu grass silage supplemented with brewer’s grain
Daniele de J. Ferreira, Anderson de M. Zanine, Rogério de P. Lana, Alexandre L. de Souza, Fagton M. Negrão, Luiz J. V. Geron, Henrique N. Parente, Carlos C. O. Dantas

Research Notes

Chemical and physical characterization of Opuntia spp. seeds grown in Hidalgo State, Mexico
Francisco Prieto-García, Judith Prieto Méndez, Otilio A. Acevedo Sandoval, Roberto A. Canales Flores, Yolanda Marmolejo Santillán
Potassium fertilization of cauliflower and broccoli in a potassium-rich soil
André L. P. Silva, Artur B. Cecílio Filho, Juan W. Mendoza-Cortez, Joaquim A. Lima Junior
Productivity of cassava and other crops in an intercropping system
Daniel V. Silva, Evander A. Ferreira, Maxwel C. Oliveira, Gustavo A. M. Pereira, Renan R. Braga, José B. dos Santos, Ignácio Aspiazu, Matheus F. Souza